Friday, January 7, 2011

Do you know what your credit rating says about you?

Do you know what your Credit Rating is saying about you? 

   Do you really understand what your credit score means? People know all about the "Big 3" credit bureaus but do you know the differences between them? This day in age, your credit score is your reputation and we are operating in a information neccessary time. Find out how you can utilize this information to save you time, money, and frustation!

    I found this great website at Now as you know, most of these "free" sites get around to charging you for one thing or another.  I can vouch for this one and promise you that it really is free. It doesn't break down different reports from the "Big 3", but it does give you an honest and accurate score that you can use to stabilize your financial future.  Check it out and let me know what you think!
    If you are thinking about purchasing a home in Northern Virginia be sure to get your get your ducks in a row!

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